20 veterans a day committed suicide 2014. Veterans have a suicide rate 50%
higher than those who did not serve in the military..L.A. times June 2 2015.
WE know why it's high among veterans but a religious organization, can we say CULT.
there seems to be no current data on this information and there is questions concerning the validation of past data.
apparently there is high rate of mental illness and suicide.
jehovahs witnesses suicide rate 5 to 10 times above average.
20 veterans a day committed suicide 2014. Veterans have a suicide rate 50%
higher than those who did not serve in the military..L.A. times June 2 2015.
WE know why it's high among veterans but a religious organization, can we say CULT.
"make for yourself an ark from resinous wood.
you will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside.
" - genesis 6:14. because, you know, that's how you build a giant boat - just wood and tar.
One question, how did Noah prevent the wood from rotting in the desert
hot sun????? How long did it take to build the Ark, around 50-70 years. I would like to know
what kind of wood treatment he used, I could become wealthy.
so if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
When I see 2/3 of the population wiped out by the Antichrist I will find me a bunker..
Lets see, it can't be ISIS(antichrist) because they believe in GOD in a strange way, so
it will be some satanic organization..
a while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work.
i was like, "yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear.
that was just a headache.
A few years back the wife had migraine really bad now she take B.C. tablets, knocks it
out in no time. My grandmother took those years ago. Nothing on the market work as
well as that powder. Migraine or throbbing headaches it kick ass..
so if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
Perry: do you believe God will shish kebab the majority of mankind in the great day
of revenge or Armageddon?
so if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
"those who live in ignorance of god's will survive Armo", that's about 3/4 of
the earth population, so billions will be saved.
I believe the inter net has become more powerful than Jehovah's Holy Spirit.
Would this be consider an oxymoron, don't listen to JW's and you will be saved.
so if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
We must blame Adam for that. Just think you could be dating a woman or man
4-5 thousands years old, that surely open up the dating pool. It may be little crowded
here on earth but what the hell.The plane was to thin out the herd every thousands of years.
The truth He had know plan, he wanted to see how long we could survive on our own and just
for good measure he gave us the bible to really screw us....
i was wondering why they ended the "bunker video" as they did ... with an armed militia finding the jws huddled in the corner of the basement ... fade to black.
the jws watching don't know what happened after that.
did they kill them?
Why in the hell would people be looking for JWs..Please GB no one give a crap about your
organization, you have not been remotely involved with world affairs.Do you really believe when hell
open up (what you believe) people will be searching for your dumb ass, why...
So let me get this straight, when that day come Jehovah will not burn everyone to a crisp but
some will survive because you will be brought before the superior authorities to answer why
the earth is in ruin. So they will search you folks out in your bunkers after millions of folks have
been made into bird food in order to kill you, why I don't know.
How in the hell will the authorities know you were responsible for 7 billion deaths but by chance if
they figure it out that you prayed for this, hell yes burn you at the stake before Jehovah step in and
save your sick ass.
is it wrong to change your religion or abandon beliefs you were once taught?.
let this article help you decide.... http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102009251.
clearly, no one should be shunned, or mistreated if they discover facts about their former faith....
Well hell bells folks, didn't Jesus start his own religion. Thousands of Jews turned their
backs on everything they believed in. They looked upon Jesus as someone who came
to do away with the Law, abandon the eternal covenant that God made with the Jewish
people, convert to a new religion (baptized) he started that became known as Christianity.
And then we have MR C.T. Russell who took religion to a different level.LOL
i recently came across a female youtuber called "bridget azaz".
she has made a number of youtubes recording discussions that she has had with a number of jws.
she does an excellant job and i thought i would make mention of her here.there appears to be another youtube site that either she or someone else has created with a couple of her interviews which have been touched up from the originals on her 'bridget azaz' site.this is one of them and i think you will enjoy it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkescwpafmu&feature=em-subs_digest.
The next time a JW come to my door my 1st question, do you read your own publication??
In order to have a civil discussion we must have some common ground and that common
ground is your publications...